AWS – Migration Workload Microsoft – Unygift
Problem statement/definition:
The client had a local infrastructure, with old and out of warranty servers that ran the Totvs application.
The main challenge in this project was to design a structure in the cloud that would support the Totvs application and stop the system connection drops.
The proposal offered by Select was to migrate this structure on AWS using EC2, EBS storages, RDS database servers and monitoring, automation and scaling.
What you proposed:
The proposal offers the migration of the Protheus Totvs system to a Windows Server 2019 instance and an RDS SQL Server, this instance will also have RD Web Access, RD Gateway and RemoteApp for application virtualization.
In another Windows Server 2019 instance, an Active Directory would be installed for authentication and security of access to the Totvs application.
How AWS services were used as part of the solution:
We had used resources like EC2 instances, EBS storages, RDS SQL Server, VPC and VPC endpoint, Cloudwatch, Cloudtrail and Cloudformation.
Third party applications or solutions used:
We use Windows Server 2019, RD Gateway, Active Directory, DNS Servers and Microsoft IIS.
Unygift started to have a cloud environment without worrying about infrastructure, connection problems and performance of the Totvs system were eliminated, there was an increase in employee productivity.
Lessons Learned:
Unygift has learned that using AWS allows you to scale your business, since you can only pay for what you use and keep your technological resources always up to date. The president of Unygift is satisfied.
A UnyGift based in São Paulo, operating for more than 10 years in the import and distribution of Housewares, Decorations, Decorations and Necessaires products, under our own brands. The company has a team of approximately 50 sales representatives divided into regions, serving the entire national territory, in addition to this B2B channel, which serves retailers and companies 24 hours a day.